Save Alcohol Course @ Duke
We are signing this petition to express our disappointment with the status of the course PSY206- Alcohol: Individual, Brain, and Society. We believe that this course has tremendous value to students on our campus. The area of alcoholism and alcohol abuse is a substantial health problem with many undergraduates.This course helps increase awareness of these issues and make us more empathetic individuals by having speakers in class who are fighting addiction, going to TROSA, and bringing in a family who has a child with FASD. These offerings in the course have helped enhance our learning experience and enhance the traditional classroom learning experience. Moreover, the value of this course is enriched by the outreach of the students who take the course to other students or family members whom they know, who have alcohol use problems. Not one of us understand why our university would take a course like this away.
The Psychology Department heads say that the faculty, Dr. Rezvani, needs $10K to teach this course, and the reason this course if no longer being offered is due to budget cuts. We feel as students and future donors to this university, Duke, we should have say in which courses we enjoy and those we don't. Without fail, every single semester there is a waiting list for this course and it is actively sought out by students on ACES. We personally know students who are very disappointed that this course will no longer be offered in the Spring 2016 semester and about its unclear status in the future.
We feel passionately about this course continuing to be offered at Duke, and we would like for the recipient of this petition to reconsider the funding of this course and re-instate it.