Save Canadian Small Business
We ask that the Federal Liberal party
1. Ask Canadian Banks to defer and extend the amortization of commercial loans of companies that are required to shut down because of coronavirus
2. Invest directly into the Canadian Business with a simple direct payment depending on how many employees they employ, so they can pay their rent and utilities. We ask it be a simple fast payment without all the complications and bureaucracy that using the CRA or EI will produce.
3. We ask that the commercial mortgages for rental properties be deferred and the amortization be extended, so landlords can keep their current renters and not have to be in the uncomfortable position of deciding whether to evict or not.
4. We ask that BDC provide 0% interest loans over 10-15 year amortization, so that our some of our highly leveraged companies such as the restaurant industry can afford to take on more debt to save their business and employees careers.
5. We ask that the Federal Government allows CSBL loans to be deferred and amortization be reset. We ask that the Government subsidize the interest on they loans.
Small business owners know they are the powerful tax base that runs the Canadian economy. We feel that Public employees have been well taken care of in this pandemic but the private sector has been overlooked. We ask that the Federal Government move quickly so that Canada has a functioning economy after this quarantine. If not we feel Canada will be susceptible to not only a recession but also possibly a depression.
5 years agoTiffany A5 years ago
5 years agoKathy Thompson5 years ago
5 years agoPenny Radford5 years ago
5 years agoSandra Hay5 years ago
5 years agoLynn Barber5 years ago
5 years agoMia Autero5 years ago
5 years agoMarkus Raty5 years ago
5 years agoKate5 years ago
5 years agoJoe Houlton5 years ago
5 years agoJessica white5 years ago