Save Colby Rugby

If you support Colby
College Rugby as a player, friend or fan and want to keep the sport
alive for future students, please stand with an alumni group who is
trying to save Colby Rugby.
Colby College has decided to end its men's and women's rugby program
due to lack of financial support from the administration and due to a
"growing awareness of health and safety risks of a high
collision/impact sport." We, as a group of alumni,
students and supporters, feel that this decision was made too quickly
and without any communication on what costs were required. We demand
that the Administration provide a detailed byline of the costs needed to
keep the program going, and discuss other possibilities in which the
College can support the rugby program.
Sign the petition to the Colby College Administration to save Colby
Rugby and let them know that as a student, alumni or supporter, you
think the Colby Rugby program should be preserved too. *If you are an alumni or student, or parent to an alumni or student, please note the class year in the name field, e.g. John Smith, '06 or Bob Smith, P '06.
the past 30 years, two seasons of the year, the rugby program has
taught hundreds of students lessons of fair play on the field, provided
a strong sense of camaraderie, and most importantly, taught how to become part
of a team. For some, it has even helped students come out of their
shell and evolve as young adults, bridging friendships among new faces,
and ultimately helping to make the most out of their College experience.
Now it's time to save this program that provides so much more to
students than just a chance to run on the field. Join us and help keep
the game alive!
To stay involved, visit http://www.colbyrugbyalumniassociation.com.