Save East End English Language Services
We are petitioning to save the services provided to the English speaking Community of the East end of Montreal through the Pivot Team. The Pivot team is a centrally located group of eight psycho-social professionals strictly dedicated to client cases that require English language intervention. This group of professionals is deployed to schools, local CLSCs and residences, where our most vulnerable citizens seek counselling.
Now, these eight professionals will be split amongst the nine different CLSCs in this region. Without your support, these eight professionals will no longer be solely dedicated to assisting people who require English services guaranteed under Bill 25. They will now be required to assist the entire population of the East End, which will inevitably put the quality and the accessibility of present and future English services at risk.
Stand with us! Help us preserve the few precious English Language resources that we do have in the East End of Montreal, and please sign this petition that calls for the continued existence of the Pivot team.