UPDATE: Public Hearing on Monday, Sept. 13th; 5:30pm at City Hall located at 9027 Center Street, Manassas, VA 20110. If you support the ball fields, we need you there! If you are unable to attend in person; please email the Mayor & Council at: mayorandcouncil@ci.manassas.va.us
Manassas City Residents that would like the City Council to be TRANSPARENT about it's position on selling the E.G. Smith Baseball Complex which currently houses the Greater Manassas Baseball League (GMBL) that sits on the corner of RT 28(Nokesville Rd)/Godwin Drive beside Micron - should sign this petition and reach out to the council directly.
We ask that you communicate your position respectfully & professionally. This email address will go to the Mayor & all Council Members: MayorandCouncil@ci.manassas.va.us
(Manassas City Residents Support GMBL and Request the City Council NOT SELL the gifted land. If the land must be sold, we ask the Council to move the ball fields to Dean Park and commit to working with GMBL.)
GMBL has a long history in the City of Manassas. It is a special place to many. 2 fields were already given to Micron earlier this year for parking with little to no advertisement of this matter to the Citizens at large.
This land (over 18 acres) was originally gifted by IBM with the caveat that if the City no longer used for the youth the land would be returned. However, in 2011 the City had an attorney go to IBM with a new agreement which allows the City rights to sell the land as long as the money is used for Parks & Rec. The new agreement does not specifically state the ball fields need to be rehomed. However, the long time residents have been told for years the complex would be safe.
Many residents are under the impression GMBL is slated to move to Dean Park. And for good reason. Originally, it was communicated that if anything happened to the land, the ball fields i.e. GMBL would be moved to Dean Park and it was the driving factor in that purchase. However, over time the plan for Dean Park has not been firmed up (voted on) and both the community & GMBL are left wondering what will happen. The baseball fields that are currently at Dean Park are reserved daily and those groups would then be without fields in the City.
We are currently at a park land deficit in the City. The more houses we build the greater that deficit grows. We claim to be a community that believes in green space and sustainability. Our children deserve and need to have recreational facilities and opportunities in the CITY of Manassas.
There are talks of another Micron expansion and so it would seem a good time for the City to show it's support to not only the GMBL program but youth athletics and green space inside the City limits.
More to come ...... Sign & Share
Must be 18 or older. Signatures should include Full Names to be accepted and Please provide address to be shared only with the Council.
GMBL is not requesting donations - the website asks for donations for the free hosting it provides - you are not required to donate and these donations do not go to GMBL.