Save HWY 7 Skyline
Billy Pang 0

Save HWY 7 Skyline

Billy Pang 0 Comments
177 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I'll submit this petition tonight at the City Council. Thanks for your participation.

We seek to: Maintain the height of existing buildings along the Unionville area at Hwy 7 - Save the community and city contours

The Times Group Inc. has applied for an amendment to Markham City to increase the height of the 18-storey building (located on the south side of the Hwy 7, Verclaire Gate, Markham Unionville ) to 28-storey.

We are concerned about:

1. More floors mean increase of population. Can our roads sustain the increase of traffic?

2. Are the infrastructures such as sewage, hydro, medical, recreational, educational, community services sufficient to cope with the surge in population?

3. Are the existing Unionville residents willing to accept the changing view of our community and city contours?

4. Are the existing Unionville residents willing to transform the endless view of Hwy 7 into a corridor packed with tall buildings?

5. While supporting Markham City as a blooming city, we hope that our City Planning has a higher vision so that high-rise buildings are built in appropriate emerging areas rather than in well-established historic communities.

We hope that our elected councilors will take note of our concern and to keep the existing height of the buildings along Hwy 7 in Unionville and to preserve the community's style and city contours.


时代集团The Times Group Inc.已经向万锦巿申请了一项修正案,将建造中的18层高大厦(位於高速公路7号南侧,Verclaire Gate,万锦巿渔人村)的高度增加至28层高层大厦。

1. 更多的楼层意味着人口密度增加,本区是否有足够的路面承受激增的交通压力?
2. 区内的其他基建配套,包括污水,电站,医疗,康乐及教育设施,社区服务是否能够配合激增的人口?
3. 现有渔人村居民是否愿意永久改变这个社区风貌和城巿轮廓?
4. 现有渔人村居民是否愿意从一望无际的七号公路,变成一条被高楼夹着的七号走廊?
5. 支持万锦巿成为新兴城巿的同时,我们望巿府在城巿规划上更有远见,让高楼大厦兴建在适当的新兴地区,而不是在已成熟并且具历史价值的社区。

5月29日,星期一晚上7 时,在万锦巿政厅有公听会,我们可以通过签署这份请愿书,向我们选出的市议员通报我们的问题。於5月23日星期五,10位出席议员都通过了高度增加,我们希望我们的民选代表注意到我们关注在我们附近的这个高度的建筑物。


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