Shawnna Krull 0

Save Kennedy Pool

671 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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671 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I'm writing to express my deep concern about a vital community asset - Kennedy Swimming Pool – in regards to the recent closure and the future of this important community resource.

I believe the decision to close the pool was made prematurely, and without appropriate consideration for the impact the closure would have on our community. In addition, I fear that the city is failing to adopt a clear plan for the maintenance/repair work that needs to be done on the pool.

What does the pool mean for the members of this community? For many families, the pool is a highlight of summertime. The pool is the place where our young children learn water safety and become confident swimmers; where our teenagers have the opportunity to learn lifeguarding skills and work summer jobs, where our local students attend as part of their end of year Physical Education class and where all residents can cool off while enjoying the outdoors during the long, hot days of summer. In light of everything that is going on in our society, and the recent closure of 2 other local aquatic facilities, the community is facing additional challenges. The importance of community resources that are open to all residents and reasonably priced cannot be understated.

Given the above, we urge the city officials to reconsider its decision to close Kennedy Pool and ask that the reconstruction proposal of Kennedy Pool be placed on the Fiscal Year Budget plan/CIP.

To be clear, closing Kennedy pool would be a disadvantage and represents a complete failure to our community.

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