Save Keratokampos Bay
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Από τους τοπικούς επιχειρηματίες που πλήττονται, τους ντόπιους που κινδυνεύουν οι περιουσίες τους μέχρι αυτούς που αγάπησαν και αγαπούν αυτό το μέρος για τις στιγμές που έζησαν εκεί...
Ο Κερατόκαμπος όπως τον γνωρίσαμε μέχρι και τις αρχές του 2000 δεν υπάρχει πια. Η φωτογραφία που κυκλοφορεί στο διαδίκτυο συγκρίνοντας ένα συγκεκριμένο σημείο της παραλιακής οδού το 2001 με σήμερα είναι χαρακτηριστική.
-Υπογράψτε και διαδώστε το αίτημα μας!
Αφού οι υπεύθυνοι στα μόνα διαλείμματα από την αδιαφορία τους καταφεύγουν σε πρόχειρες λύσεις ελάτε να τους στείλουμε ένα ηχηρό μήνυμα και να τους πιέσουμε σε οριστική λύση!
Because of the irrisponsible and un-justifiable excuse of a crisis, Greece is threatened by a natural and subsequent economic catastrophy. YOU CAN STOP IT NOW with your signature, below!
For more than ten years now, the south coast of Crete has been suffering from a rise in sea level, which has been literally swallowing the natural beach, the road and even some of the properties of the people of the local villages, as well as agricultural and tourist areas. The social, natural and economic effects of continued in-action are clear. This damage is no more apparent than in one of the nicest and well protected areas of Crete, in the south of Heraklion, Keratokampos. This has been partly made worse by the poorly planned construction of a new port by the authorities, which has significantly exacerbated the natural phenomen of the rise in sea level, threatening the livelihoods of the locals, as well as the tourism, one of the principal sources of economy of Greece and essential for the continued prosperity of the region of Southern Crete.
The local authorities have only proposed fragile temporary solutions : implementing a rock, beton or asphalt contruction of road on the natural beach at Keratokampos(!), whilst postponing a permanent and durable solution, which would be a an engineered construction of land hills in the sea, aimed at stopping the waves from devouring the beaches and eventually the tourism. This last solution demands immediate and significant financial help from the government, rather than occupying itslef only by short-term actions and near future elections.
We repeat, we citizens of Keratokampos and of Crete as a whole, with the pressure of our and your signatures, ask our authorities to stop cheating on the future of our land and our children and to fight to save our natural heritage, in the most responsible way, through a long-term and sustainable approach to protecting our coastal villages and subsequent tourist industry, that can only benefit us all.