Save Left Field!
We are a group of loyal Texas Baseball fans who have come together in an attempt to save one of the most unique features of Disch-Falk Field ... the Left Field fence.
As of last week, the fence has been fitted with a large plywood board, where advertising will eventually be placed. We are asking the university to work with us, in order to come up with a compromise. We are willing to explore any/all options ... moving the current ad space, paying for the spot ourselves, raising the ad so that it doesn't obstruct the LF view, etc.
We aren't asking for a "free" way to watch baseball. We're looking for a way to keep the traditions of Texas Baseball alive. Let's work together to keep Disch-Falk Field what it's always been ... one of the best college baseball venues in the nation.
"For Texas, I will."
Your support is appreciated. Please keep your comments civil, and constructive.
UPDATE 3/30/12: The University has agreed to meet with us ... KEEP THE SIGNATURES COMING!
UPDATE 4/1/12: American Campus Community is the company who has purchased the LF fence. They have decided to move on with the advertising, even after being told about the fan backlash.
UPDATE 4/2/12: Meeting with DeLoss Dodds is scheduled for Thursday! Please send out the word again to people who may not have signed the petition! Let's make one last push before the meeting!
UPDATE 4/5/12: Today is the big day! We'll be sure to update the petition following our meeting with Mr. Dodds this morning.