Save Our Bears in The Smokies

We, the undersigned residents and concerned citizens of Gatlinburg and visitors , are calling on our city leaders to take immediate action to enforce the laws on feeding bears and to require businesses to have bear-proof trash containers.
Despite existing regulations prohibiting the feeding of bears, many tourists and even some residents continue to feed these animals, putting both the bears and our community at risk. Feeding bears can cause them to become reliant on humans for food, leading to dangerous encounters and potentially aggressive behavior.
Additionally, businesses in Gatlinburg must do their part to prevent bears from accessing their trash. Improperly secured trash containers can attract bears, leading to conflicts and property damage. By requiring businesses to use bear-proof trash containers, we can help reduce the likelihood of these encounters and protect our community and wildlife.
We are calling on our city leaders to impose fines on individuals who are caught feeding bears, as well as on businesses and cabin owners who do not have bear-proof trash containers. These fines should serve as a deterrent to those who are putting our community and wildlife at risk.
It is time for Gatlinburg to take a stand against the illegal feeding of bears and to ensure that businesses are doing their part to prevent conflicts with wildlife. We urge our city leaders to enforce the laws on feeding bears and to require the use of bear-proof trash containers, imposing fines on those who do not comply.
Please sign this petition to show your support for these measures to protect our community and wildlife. Together, we can make Gatlinburg a safer place for both residents and bears.