Save our Grade 9 APP Class
Maggie Moore Palmerston 0

Save our Grade 9 APP Class

927 signers. Add your name now!
Maggie Moore Palmerston 0 Comments
927 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Petition to SAVE THE Norwell DSS GRADE 9 APP PROGRAM - started by Maggie Moore

GOAL: Have Norwell District Secondary School Administration take a second look for solutions that meet the needs of section cutting while preserving the grade 9 Arts Performance Project. Norwell DSS needs to make section cuts which means some programming will be lost. However, we would like to know and determine if it is 100% and absolutely necessary for one of those programs to be grade 9 APP. Are there NO OTHER possibilities that would enable this class to continue to exist? We want to know.

Benefits of Keeping APP for Students

  • This is a credit towards Arts SHSM and an important feeder program of Theatre Norwell.
  • Exposure to Integrated Arts - a solid introduction to many aspects of the arts - visual arts, music, drama and dance all in one credit
  • Gain confidence through performing and learning how to be an effective and convincing orator
  • Our post-covid world has seen a decline in school attendance - specialized arts programs give kids a reason to go to school. We have also seen a decline in student engagement…this program is full of engaged kids.
  • EQUITY - Students need zero prior knowledge, experience or equipment to join APP…unlike the other grade 9 specialized program
  • EQUITY - Students do not have to pay additional fees in order to participate in APP…unlike the other grade 9 specialized program.
  • MENTAL HEALTH - saving this program runs deeper than a love of the arts. For many, this is a safe place for self-expression and a coping strategy for life. It is a place to belong in a difficult transition year during their education - grade 9. Many students suffer from depression and/or anxiety, but being with others who share their passions provides them with a family, which is something some of them may not have otherwise - at home or at school.

Benefits of Keeping APP for the School

  • Attract grade 9 students from other districts who are interested in a specialized arts program.
  • APP continues to feed Theatre Norwell …which itself attracts arts driven or interested students. When feeder programs disappear, the support and interest can dwindle. Example: Wellington Heights has NO music program because the teacher retired and there is no longer a grade 7 and 8 feeder program in music.
  • Attract new teachers for the arts - some of Norwell’s current teachers of the arts will be ready for retirement soon. Give new teachers an exciting reason to choose Norwell - they will have a vibrant, exciting and thriving arts and theatre dept to join.

The Ripple Effect - Benefits of Keeping APP for Students

  • Community Involvement - Since grade 9 APP feeds Theatre Norwell, this has a ripple effect on others areas of school life. Beauty and the Beast 2023 brought in over 1700 parents, grandparents, and community members in 4 sold-out shows as well as over 900 elementary school kids. How many other programs do that?
  • Income - those shows sell tickets! How many other school programs bring in revenue?

Other Factors

  • A post-covid world means that there were no Theatre Norwell shows for a few years and no musicals for 3 years. Perhaps the enrollment of only 19 in a program designed for 25 is a reflection of that; intermediate students making decisions about grade 9 courses have not been exposed to the ‘magic’ of Theatre Norwell for 3 years. But, now that they have...perhaps enrollment would go up a bit. We cannot know that because the program was cut.
  • Administration made assurances that Theatre Norwell productions will still run without the Grade 9 APP class. THAT IS TRUE! But, that is ONLY because of the sensational and dedicated teachers who are willing to do all that is required on their own time. Courses that prepare students and support Theatre Norwell, also support the teachers.
  • Administration pointed out that the grade 11 APP class is still running. This class is about the production of show, not performing in them. So, how long will this course last if there are less performers coming through and less interest is generated in year 1? Then there could be reason to cut this arts program as well ...which would all be a part of a different ripple effect.
  • If the minimum number of students to run the course was not met this year, the course should not be cut. Other programs and classes that do not meet the minimum are simply cancelled for that year, and offered again the following year. This is the very least that administration can do to attempt to keep this program viable.
  • The arts have always been the target of budget cuts, but perhaps the administration at Norwell doesn’t realize how much they are valued in our community. The arts are food for the soul and the reason some students come to school.


Please help us make some noise and show that we won’t quietly let our valued programs disappear. Please help us show that our community cares about the longevity of our beloved Theatre Norwell Program by signing this petition. Thank you for caring about young people in the arts!

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