Save Our Land 2023

On June 8 2023, Duncan BC's local paper, the Cowichan Citizen revealed the Nature Trust's plan to remove the Cowichan Estuary dikes for ecological restoration. Despite years of preparation, local residents and officials were excluded from the decision making.
The estuary currently thrives as a blend of wetlands and farmland, but dismantling the dikes risks contaminating the ecosystem, harming migratory birds and compromising food security. The $3 million project lacks the required Agricultural Land Reserve removal approval.
The dikes are vital to the delicate balance of the ecosystem and are cherished by tourists and locals alike. The proposed berm could worsen flooding, disregarding local concerns. The Land Keepers Leadership Society represents impacted residents.
This initiative jeopardizes the estuary, farmland, tourism and local economy without achieving it's goals.
We urge the PROJECT to be STOPPED to allow for transparent studies, dialogue with residents, input from the Dinsdale family and neighbouring First Nations community concerning the preservation of farmland.