Save Salem's Historic Brick Sidewalks!

Historic Salem Inc., Brick Coalition’s mission:
“For the City of Salem to embrace the idea that brick sidewalks are an integral and significant part of Salem’s historic aesthetic.”
The footpaths traveled by Salem’s predecessors that mark our place in history are being eroded by ad hoc repair methods - concrete and asphalt patches. Brick lasts longer, is easy to install, and preserves our historic character. We need to put in place a plan that restores our brick walkways, and does not leave it to random and changing repair practices.
The brick sidewalks in Salem’s historic districts need attention. In many cases they receive minimal maintenance from the city, and over the years have been haphazardly patched.
In numerous locations these sidewalks are in disrepair and are dangerous to pedestrians, especially to the elderly and those who use wheelchairs and walkers.
The solution to the problem is not removing bricks and affecting the historic aesthetic that Salem is known for. Properly maintained, bricks last far longer than their concrete and asphalt counterparts.
We the undersigned request that the City of Salem adopt and fund a program to repair and replace the historically significant brick sidewalks in the McIntire and other Historic districts.
This program and its funding should be identified and transparent and shall be considered within the City’s budget on an annual basis.
Please note that any donations solicited on subsequent web pages are for the ipetitions website, not for Historic Salem, Inc. or the Brick Sidewalk Coalition.