Our friend Scott Hapgood is fighting for his life. He has been wrongfully accused of manslaughter and he's due back in Anguilla on November 11th, but there is no guarantee of a safe return (or a return at all). He has a target on his back. There seems to be more of a focus on politics than facts and evidence and locals have issued numerous public death threats. We need our US elected officials to intervene on Scott's behalf. This situation is neither fair nor just, his human rights are being violated and Anguillan officials will not publicly guarantee Scott’s safety as they mandate he participate in these judicial hearings.
Please sign this petition in an effort to not only draw this case to the forefront, but also to resolve it quickly. There is no need for Scott to return to Anguilla for the fourth time, further jeopardizing his life, when charges could and should be dropped based on conclusive toxicology evidence that exonerates Scott. In the very least, he should be allowed to participate in this preliminary hearing remotely, from US soil.
Our goal is to collect 6,500 signatures and submit this petition to CT Senators Murphy and Blumenthal. Please help us by sharing with your friends, family and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter and via good old fashion email. You do not need to be a CT resident to sign. Thanks for your support! #STANDWITHTHEHAPGOODS
To read/see more about this case, please see the following media coverage: