Ken Wells 0

Restore Secord Lake

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Ken Wells 0 Comments
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This petition has been created by Secord Lake resident Ken Wells. Permission is granted to anyone who wishes to use this petition in communications with local, state or federal representatives to convey the wishes of the Secord Lake community.

We, the undersigned residents of Secord Lake, are in support of the timely return of the lake level prior to the unfortunate events in May of 2020.

We understand:

  • The recent winter stabilization and critical repairs were approved because they were considered an emergency order.
  • The Spillway and Embankment still need final design and cost estimates.
  • Upon completion of the New Flood Requirements and Forensic Study a final engineering plan will be submitted.

It is our understanding the final plan will be submitted from Four Lakes Task Force (FLTF) to the State of Michigan Dam Safety Commission, Egle (Environment Great Lakes and Energy) and FERC (Federal Energy Electric Commission) for approvals.

We respectfully request your support and expeditious influence and action in securing approvals of the plan to return the Secord lake level. Specifically we need your support to ensure that Secord Lake, which was fortunate to not have experienced complete dam failure, is granted plan approval and all permits as soon as possible.

Returning Secord Lake to its water level prior to the unfortunate events of May 2020 will benefit the entire area by returning Secord Lake to its once vibrant tourism destination. Tourism which brings to the area millions of dollars of revenue.



NOTE TO SUPPORTERS: This petition is for Secord Lake front property or back lot residents only. Please enter your name as it is on record as either a Secord Lake property or back lot property owner. Individuals who can not be verified as either lake residents or back lot owners will be deleted.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Your email is private and not shared with anyone including Ken Wells. When a signer signs a petition, he or she receives an email confirmation from iPetitions and another email invitation to login at iPetitions to track the progress of the petition. If (and only if) the signer checks a box on the petition giving iPetitions permission to contact him or her regarding other petitions or iPetitions-related events, would you be contacted from iPetitions.

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