Protect Summerland

*****Please - DO NOT DONATE on this website. You will be asked to donate after signing, PLEASE IGNORE. This is NOT a donation to Save Summerland. ****
The new gas station:
- Operator intends to be OPEN 24 HOURS/day and sell alcohol 20 hours/day.
- Canopy is 19.5’ high, accommodating semi-trucks and lighting visible from freeway and beyond.
- Received approval for an illuminated ROOF SIGN - (incorrectly labeled as wall sign on plans) - visible to 101 vehicle traffic.
- Permits only show signage on east side. West side is also framed for signage.
This is NOT allowed!
- Roof signs are PROHIBITED in SB County per section 35.38.020 of the County Code. Thus, Precedent will be set for the rest of SB.
- Coastal Zone Ordinance prohibits roof signs.
- Signs, canopy and lighting does not follow Summerland Commercial Design Guidelines.
- Sets PRECEDENT for the rest of SB County and Summerland.
- Increased traffic, crime, graffiti, vagrancy, noise and light pollution.
- Decreased property values.
- Ruins character and charm of Summerland.
- The roof sign has been appealed, but it is critical the petition is signed by as many people as possible with comments showing overwhelming opposition to deliver to the County before the staff report is written. The implications of this sign are COUNTYWIDE, not just Summerland.
- SHARE with friends & neighbors (non Summerland residents also); post; forward.
Contribute: https://savesummerland.com/contribute
MORE info at https://savesummerland.com
Contact: Protectsummerland@gmail.com
Don’t let this one sign set precedent for the rest of Santa Barbara and Summerland. The landscape will be forever changed and views will be littered with commercial signage.
We request roof signs and canopy removed. Lighting to be in compliance with County, Coastal and Summerland guidelines. Gas Station and market not be open 24 hours.
***Please - DO NOT DONATE on this website. You will be asked to donate after signing, PLEASE IGNORE. This is NOT a donation to Save Summerland. **** Link above if you would like to contribute to Save Summerland.