Save Sunset High School

SUMMARY: A proposal to "re-brand" Sunset and eliminate the name Sunset High School is being considered by the SDUHSD school board. Please sign this petition stating you are OPPOSED to a name change and you support preserving the name Sunset High School.
Detailed discussion:
The SDUHSD's continuation school opened in 1965, and in 1972 named the school Sunset. In 1981 the school was moved to it's current location on Requeza St. For over 5 decades the school has been an asset to the local communities. Many alumni credit Sunset High School with transforming their lives for the better and some even credit the school with saving their lives.
Alternative and continuation schools often carry some negative stereotypes and Sunset has long pushed back against these false stereotype though education of the local community and schools.
The school campus is getting a much needed reconstruction to replace the 40 year old classrooms. The principal is proposing that the school be "re-branded" and get a new name due to the negative stigma attached to the name Sunset High School. There is no name being specifically considered- the proposal is more about avoiding the name Sunset than anything else. More details can be found here: https://www.encinitasadvocate.com/news/story/2019-06-27/a-new-name-for-sunset-high-school.
A group of alumni, former staff, and community members are asking for you to speak up and say to the school board that you are OPPOSED to this name change for the following reasons:
1. Changing the name will not actually result in eliminating the negative stereotyping in the long run. This stereotype is perpetuated by individuals within the school district (teachers, counselors, administrators from other schools) who will not change their behavior because of a new name. Outside of the local community, no one even recognizes the name. It will waste resources and energy to create a new name and ultimately those who are responsible for the negative attitude will not be deterred by a name change.
2. It is highly insulting to students, alumni, staff and advocates to say that the name Sunset High School is so poorly regarded that it must be re-branded. We are proud to be a part of Sunset High School's past and present.
3. It sends a message to students that the solution to bullying and negative stereotypes is to cave in and try to be something different when faced with a challenge. This is not in the spirit of Sunset High School's message which is to be yourself and be proud of who you are.