Save the Five LAUSD High Schools After School Programs

UPDATE: July 1, 2020
Thanks to each of you, Superintendent Austin Beutner has secured funding to continue programming for Marshall, Eagle Rock, University, Dorsey, and Dymally High Schools for the 2020-21 school year. This will make a difference to thousands of L.A. high school students. There are so many demands and needs for funding, please take a moment and thank Superintendent, Austin Beutner and his team for doing the right thing here. Moving forward, we need to do a couple of things – we need work together to secure 2021-22 funding and apply for the Fed/State funding so Marshall High School and the others can join the fold once and for all.
I want to thank each of you for calling, writing letters, advocating through social media, and spreading the word – to INVEST in our communities. If we all hadn’t lifted up our programs and our students, we could have lost it all. I include below the note that Mr. Alvaro Cortés has sent to the principals and the agencies.
This was an incredible group effort with one impressive goal – to make sure our students across Los Angeles continue to be supported when they need it the most.
You did that.
Thank you.
Will Seymour, Executive Director, LACER Afterschool Program
The after school programs at these FIVE High Schools have been DEFUNDED by LAUSD!
This is the third year the community must fight for services before and after school. Services that increase attendance, raise grades, provide a path to college and careers, daily meals, and so much more.
- Dorsey (CYFC)
- Mervyn Dymally (UCLA)
- Eagle Rock (A World Fit for Kids)
- John Marshall (L.A.C.E.R. Afterschool Programs)
- University (UCLA).
The after school programs at these five sites are a significant part of each school's student support system. We provide meals, safety, social/emotional learning, mentorship, jobs, community partnerships, and access to classes in the arts, academic support, college and career resources, and athletics.
We offer FREE opportunities in the academics, arts, and athletics every day, after school, before school AND on the weekend.
Students will be returning to school this year with an enormous amount of distress, ending these CRITICAL programs now is a great tragedy to our students, and their parents. Please help support the renewal of the after school programs funding by signing this petition and let LAUSD know after school program are important to EVERYONE.
Save after school! #SaveTheFive
Thank you for your support,
CYFC, LACER Afterschool Programs, UCLA, and A World Fit For Kids