Save the Largest Crab Apple Tree in the Country

Did you know... at the corner of Ardennes Avenue and Twinbrook Parkway, we are home to the largest crab apple tree in the COUNTRY? It is only one of two such national champion trees in Montgomery County, and the only national champion tree in Rockville. But it could die if we don't act!
There is a housing development proposed for the lot that our tree sits on. We support adding affordable housing in our community, as it is desperately needed. But the developer is only proposing relocation, which will surely kill a tree of this age and this size. Relocation is not only detrimental to the future of the tree, but raises a whole host of other issues like a location that is large enough to accommodate the roots of the tree - roots that predate many of us.
Where there is a will, there is a way - and there is a way to save our national champion tree. Please sign this petition and help to save our tree!