Indi Gregory is an innocent child, no more than 8-months-old - a baby stricken with terminal illness. Her supreme right to life is actively being infringed upon by English judges, ordering the death of who can now rightly be considered a citizen of Italy. The British judicial system is overruling the parents of Indi (Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth), who have consistently and repetitively begged and pleaded for the life of their child, and to have her kept on life support. The judges are claiming to possess the authority to arbitrarily decide (against the wishes of parents) which children get to live or die. At 2pm GMT (9am EST), Indi will be gruesomely euthanised - that is, she will be heartlessly killed - despite pleading from the family, Italy, and the Vatican - the latter two working to offer her a chance at life, or the dignity of death with her beloved family. It is not only barbaric and outrageous for the British 'Justices' to deny the family and the child their most supremely important and sacred rights - but it is an atrocity of epic proportions.
By taking immediate action, we can not only help to potentially put the pressure on the so-called 'Justices' (thus changing their minds) for the sake of the physical salvation of this precious child - but we can help make an impact in the gradual setting of the precedent that the barbaric and heinous killing of innocent children - be it healthy and able children, or children who are suffering or in need of intensive care or life support - is a moral atrocity that our civilisation cannot tolerate ever again. We must champion the right of families to self-govern, and we must champion the supreme and God-given right to life of all of humanity, including our most precious, our most innocent, and our most vulnerable.
Please get involved by supporting our petition. We ask that you not only back our petition - but protest the ordering of Indi Gregory's death sentence, and spread the word as far and as wide as you possibly can, as fast as you possibly can. Share this petition, and likewise the relevant news, and any other petitions against this atrocity. Share all of the aforementioned information on every social platform you can - be it verbally, or online. This is the fight for life itself, and it starts today, with each and every one of us refusing to standby and watch the most priceless gift of human life be destroyed at every turn. We must unite across all divisions, and stand strong, championing liberty and justice for all, and being bastions for life itself - for there is no greater gift. The clock is ticking.
A judge at Britain’s High Court ruled Wednesday that life support for a terminally ill 8-month-old baby should be withdrawn in a hospice or hospital, despite efforts by the infant’s parents and the Italian government to transport her to Italy for further treatment.
The parents of baby Indi Gregory, who has a rare metabolic disorder known as mitochondrial disease, have fought legal battles in a bid to continue life support for their child. But a judge has ruled that doctors can lawfully limit life-supporting invasive treatment, because continuing with the treatment "would not be in the child’s best interests". In a written ruling, Justice Robert Peel said he accepted the evidence of medical specialists at the Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham arguing that treatment for Indi should be withdrawn in a hospice or hospital. The baby’s parents had hoped to fly Indi to Italy — where the Vatican’s pediatric hospital, Bambino Gesu, has offered to care for her — or failing that bring the infant home for end-of-life care.
But Justice Peel ruled it was “too dangerous” to send the baby home “given the clinical complications.” "There are a number of factors which render extubation and palliative care at the family home all but impossible, and certainly contrary to (Indi’s) best interests,” he said. He had already ruled that a transfer to Italy would "not be in the baby’s best interests", and Court of Appeal judges have backed that decision.
The campaign group Christian Concern, which is supporting Indi’s parents, said the parents plan to appeal the ruling. The group also said that the Italian hospital’s general manager, who has been appointed as Indi’s guardian, was seeking an urgent meeting with the Queen’s Medical Center Wednesday. Britain’s National Health Service says there is no current cure for mitochondrial disease, which means a patient’s cells aren’t able to produce enough energy to operate properly. The fatal disease has caused progressive brain damage in baby Indi, leaving her totally dependent on life support, according to evidence presented to the High Court in London. Justice Peel has said his decision was based on findings that Indi was critically ill, had no prospect of improvement and an “extremely limited quality of life,” combined with evidence that she experienced frequent pain as a result of her treatment. His decision has not changed despite offers from the Italian government this week to airlift Indi to the Vatican hospital and pay for any treatment in Italy. The Italian government has also granted Indi citizenship to help facilitate her transport and treatment.
Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni said Monday she would “do what I can do to defend (Indi’s) life” and “defend the right of her mamma and papa to do all that they can for her." Dean Gregory, Indi’s father, said it was “disgraceful” for doctors and British courts to ignore the offer from Italy’s government. “As a father I have never asked or begged for anything in my life, but I am now begging the British government to please help prevent our daughter’s life from being taken away,” he said in a statement released through Christian Concern.
To quote Jacopo Coghe from X (Twitter) - BREAKING: The UK judiciary orders the death of the little patient #IndiGregory tomorrow at 2pm, despite the fact that the Roman Bambino Gesù Hospital has offered to treat her in Italy and the Italian government has granted Italian citizenship to the little girl to allow the transfer. English judges are ordering the death of an Italian citizen, based on a gruesome euthanasia parameter of "dignity of life". We are falling back into the worst mistakes of human history.