Save the Villa Pub

As Gables Villa Rosa community members it has come to our attention that Gables Villa Rosa Management will not renew the ILL Minster Pub's lease in the retail section of our complex. The space will unfortunately be turned into short-term residential spaces (think AirBnB & VRBO).
As one of the only locally owned establishments left in Uptown Dallas, ILL Minster Pub has built a strong community of patrons who are dedicated to supporting local business.
Also as Uptown crime rates continue to rise, the ILL Minster Pub is the last bar in the neighborhood that Villa Rosa community members and other locals can safely walk to at night.
Let the Gables Villa Rosa management know you don't want to see the Pub go away by signing this petition below pledging: "We won't stay if Pub goes away!"
(Donation not required to sign. We are grateful for your support.)