Save UCSD Sports Deck

With its close proximity to campus the Sports Deck has provided many students and clubs with the facilities to practice and develop each of their communities. As forms of physical exercise, sports have proven positive benefits for the health and well being of students, faculty, and community members across campus. However, the current facilities available to sports on campus is very limited and both teams and clubs vie for the use of these spaces. Because the presence of the Sports Deck is crucial to helping to alleviate this, it is all the more important for this space to remain allocated for the purpose of sports and recreation.
Recently, UCSD has been very seriously considering replacing the Sports Deck with a parking lot for the UCSD Medical Center, overlooking the importance of this space to the campus community. Without this space, many students and sports clubs, including soccer, lacrosse, archery, and baseball, will lose access to a safe place for them to practice and play.
Please sign to not only show your support for keeping the Sports Deck, but also to tell UCSD that the campus needs to keep these spaces to support the programs that help students develop and grow as athletes!