Save Westwood Park's Apple Trees
Westwood Parish Council want to cut down four of Westwood Park's apple trees. These are located close to the swings - one is very large, but all are mature and produce a crop of apples each year. Some of these apples are edible, some are used by residence for making jam and cider, all are a source of food for birds and insects. The trees help combat climate change and chopping them down means less CO2 is absorbed, habitat for wildlife is destroyed and a source of pleasure for adults and children is reduced to four stumps.
The council argues that these trees are 'self seeded' and because not planned should be removed. They have argued the apples are a tripping hazard, but this seems a massive overreaction to chop down healthy trees because of a few apples on the path. The tree stumps may also be a tripping hazard as well as a painful reminder of these lovely trees once lost. If you oppose chopping down these four apple trees please sign the petition and, if you have time, write to the Parish Council to say you oppose this unnecessary felling. Contact details are here: