![SAVE ARTS and Science at U of T NOW!](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/23.webp)
SAVE ARTS and Science at U of T NOW!
What is SAVE ARTS AND SCIENCE at U of T The Save Arts and Science Campaign is a coalition formed and headed by Arts and Science students, friends and allies who share the common goal of informing students of the imminent threat to their programs by the University of Toronto. WE WANT: * To stop the cuts to Arts and Science programs on the St. George campus at the university of Toronto * To combat the proposed removal of undergraduate students and programs from the St. George campus * To immediately mobilize students, friends and allies in resistance to the dismantling of arts and science programs at U of T WHAT IS GOING ON Why Does Arts & Science Need Saving The University of Toronto is in the process of drastically reducing funding to undergraduate Arts and Science programs at its St. George Campus while spending tens of millions of dollars on projects such as the Rotman School of Business and Varsity Athletic Complex expansions, as well as the creation of a new Health Science Complex at its Mississauga campus. WHEN DO THESE CUTS START The cuts have already started! Critical Area Studies, Health Studies, English, Anthropology and Life Sci have all faced severe reductions in their funding and other areas are being targeted as we speak. HOW DO I GET INVOLVED * Sign the petition: Save Arts and Science at UofT NOW! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/saveartsci/ (hard copy petition TBA) * Join the Save Arts and Science coalition! Email us with the heading “please add” to uoft.saveartsci@gmail.com for SASUT updates. Email us with "please add to outreach" to help with SASUT outreach. * Spread the word! Inform student course unions, students, and friends about what is happening at the University of Toronto and pass along the petition! Send a message to the Administration that we have every intention of Saving Arts & Science at the University of Toronto. * Help create a united student assembly! In the second week of January there will be a larger student assembly at U of T which will involve all arts and science students (TBA). * send a letter to Dean Meric Gertler at dean.fas@artsci.utoronto.ca expressing your concerns with how the university is changing the U of T FAS education for the worse. Some suggestions include: the need to put an end to FAS cuts, to continue to expand the FAS, and to respond to growing numbers of U of T students by increasing enrollment, expanding courses and full-time teaching positions at the university, not by reducing them and inhibiting students from accessing education at the university. PLEASE CC the Save Artsci on this (uoft.saveartsci@gmail.com) as we will be compiling a book for the deans with the petition and letters to save FAS.