保育政府山 反對官商霸權/Save the Government Hill
保育政府山 反對官商霸權 發展局公佈破壞政府山的「最終方案」,粗暴踐踏民意,逃避立法會和城規會監管,漠視國際專家和古諮會意見。行政霸權、利益輸送的意圖,昭然若揭。 我們要求特區政府: 一、停拆西座,完整保育政府山 二、宣佈中區政府合署所有建築物為法定古蹟 三、還山於民,開放政府山作公共用途 Save the Government Hill The Development Bureau’s plans to demolish the West Wing will inflict irreversible damage to Government Hill. This is an insult to public opinion and a blatant attempt to evade monitoring by the Legislative Council and preempting any decison by the Town Planning Board. Furthermore, the views of Hong Kong and international architects and professional experts and the Antiquities Advisory Board are being ignored. We demand the Government to: 1. Stop demolition of the West Wing and preserve Government Hill in its entirety 2. Declare all CGO buildings as a "Historical Monument" 3. Open up Government Hill for public uses