Save Hale'iwa elementary school
The Hawaii State School Board is recommending the closure of Haleiwa Elementary School. Haleiwa Elementary is a viable school with a very involved parent base and we do NOT want to see our historic and beloved school closed. Please add your name to our petition to let the School Board know that North Shore families support their school. All residents of Hawaii are strongly encouraged to sign the petition as it will affect each and every one of us. Please feel free to approach other neighbors in the Haleiwa school area who will also be affected by the closure of our school. As a community, we should all be concerned with the outcome of this decision. We cannot control the Board's decision on what to do with the land the school sits on if it were to be sold off following a closure of Haleiwa Elementary. Please join our fight!!! Forward this email to other North Shore families and neighbors. We CAN make a difference. It IS possible to change the Board's decision!