Save Lee-Jackson Day

I will be silent no longer!!! If you have not heard there is a group attempting to do away with Lee-Jackson Day and have ONLY a Virginia Heritage Day. Their petition is on the same free petition web site. Lee-Jackson Day honors two of our ancestors who fought for their homeland. That's right...their homeland. An email was forwarded to me with this information: Daily Press in Newport News, Virginia. A blogger, who calls himself a Republican blogger, has made a petition against Lee Jackson Day to rename it Virginia Heritage Day. Please remember the damage "bloggers" can cause. This one will succeed as well if we do not stand up and take the fight right back to him. As for calling himself a Republican...my thoughts are that a thorn by any other name is still a thorn. WE are being "taught" to foget STATES RIGHTS were the major issue of the War Between the State. Slavery was the "passion button" used to ignite an emotional response. As it does today, Washington found an emotional issue and used it to fuel the fire. SLAVERY IS WRONG!!! It was then, AND IT IS TODAY! If people would move out of the past (we can't change it, only make certain it never happens again) and put just fifty percent of their efforts in ENDING SLAVERY IN THE WORLD TODAY, we could stop slavery all around the world. I urge you to contact your State Senators and Representatives to prevent this. If you do not know how to contact your rep here is the Virginia site where you can fill in your address and find your Virginia Representative: http://conview.state.va.us/whosmy.nsf/mainopenform or you can simply go to: www.virginia.gov and click on Virginia General Assembly in the box on the lower left. Please don't let a group of other people take away any more of our rights from us. I'm sorry we don't have more men today like Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson; men who believed in honor, dignity with great moral judgement. Those of us today will never forget, but what about our children and grandchildren. Stand up and be heard. Sign this petition and pass it on as quickly as you possibly can...And when we prevail you can proudly say that YOU "saved the Day"! Warmest Regards, Lila Burner Housden Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter of the Pioneer Settlers of the Shenandoah Vally, VA