"Hey friends of Humboldt! I got some really awful news today. My father, Mike Louv, has been a dedicated history teacher at Fortuna Union High School for 20 years and today he received his assignment for next year. He has been removed from his classroom entirely and will be teaching independent study. The reason being was that he's "disorganized" and " not an effective teacher". To all of you Fortuna Huskies out there who took a class with my father, would agree that this is complete BS? My father was in tears when he told me. If he didn't love his job, why would he be so upset (this decision has no bearing whatsoever on what he makes per year) If anyone has any advice for what for what we could do to get my dad teaching in the classroom next year(ie a petition, former students of his writing letters to the administration how they are mistaken, etc whatever)' PLEASE help." We are her for you Louv. Show your support and #SaveLouv