Save the Malloy's Building - Stony Point, NY
George Potanovic, Jr. 0

Save the Malloy's Building - Stony Point, NY

342 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
George Potanovic, Jr. 0 Comments
342 people have signed. Add your voice!
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PETITION: Please sign to save
"The Malloy’s Building” in Stony Point, NY

DO NOT DESTROY our local history in Stony Point, but instead, BUILD local economic plans for our town.
We the undersigned STRONGLY OPPOSE the unnecessarydemolition of the "MALLOY'S BUILDING" by the NYS Department ofTransportation and PETITION the SUPERVISOR and TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF STONY POINT to IMMEDIATELY STOP THIS UNNECESSARY DEMOLITION that will DESTROY the center of the Town of Stony Point, a beloved historic landmark in our community and cause us to lose needed economic development opportunities and tax revenue for the town and its residents.

1. The Malloy's Building is a local, historic landmark that has always welcomed visitors and created a Town Center feeling in Stony Point – originally built in the 1860s, it operated for a time as town hall. The building was extensively renovated in 1998 and is sound and capable of re-use today.

2. Due to public outcry, the NYSDOT had revised its original plans and agreed to SAVE THE MALLOY'S BUILDING, finish the new bridge and add necessary turning lanes to the intersection – all WITHOUT DEMOLITION of the MALLOY'S BUILDING. However, in 2008, the previous town supervisor and town board rejected the NYSDOT revised plan.

3. The US Gypsum Plant has since closed its facility in 2010. Kennedy trucks no longer drive through the intersection, eliminating one of the main reasons for the enlarged intersection.

4. The Town of Stony Point needs TAX RATABLES – not a small park in the middle of our prime business district with other parks nearby.

5. The MALLOY'S BUILDING is a tax ratable – containing 4 businesses and 4 apartments that had paid $40,000 per year in combined town, county and school taxes – revenue that is now lost.

6. The Town of Stony Point master plan calls for the town to develop local economic development plans for Stony Point that builds on tourism, our location in the Hudson Valley and on local historic buildings and places – not demolish them!

THEREFORE, as residents of the Town of Stony Point AND as residents of Rockland County who value the small town appeal of Main Street, Stony Point and the need to recognize and preserve our local buildings, which represent the character and heritage of our community, we STRONGLY REQUEST that the Stony Point Supervisor and Town Board IMMEDIATELY DEMAND THE NYSDOT STOP ANY PLANS TO DEMOLISH THE MALLOY'S BUILDING and SIMULTANEOUSLY BEGIN a COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN that will find a suitable reuse for this historic building to help generate local economic development and restore THE MALLOY'S BUILDING to the landmark status that it has always been in the Town of Stony Point.


Sponsored by the Stony Point Action Committee for the Environment - 20 years of environmental advocacy and education.


Download printed copies of this petition and help us get more signatures at:

Download, print and post the SAVE MALLOY"S BUILDING FLIER.

All printed petitions need to be turned in no later than Monday, January 10. Call or e-mail: 845-429-2020 or

Please come out to the next Town Board meeting on: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 7pm at Rho Building on Clubhouse Lane.

Your support is needed and much appreciated!
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