Save the Trees in Downtown Santa Monica!
The City of Santa Monica plans to destroy or remove over 50 of the beautiful, large-canopy Ficus trees along Second and Fourth Streets. The city wants them replaced with small Ginkgos that though beautiful, actually cast very little shade (most of it after 20 years\' growth). Why The city claims some of them are too damaged or decayed to be saved. But the majority of these trees are being removed to make those streets more attractive to the shopping public. This weird logic flies in the face of research, surveys and studies showing that dense, large-canopy trees ATTRACT shoppers. They make the place nicer, better and healthier for everyone. These trees provide tremendous shade canopy, they are environmentally essential in removing pollution and reducing the stress on our infrastructure, and they provide a haven for people, birds and other animals alike. They also symbolize Santa Monica\'s commitment to nature and the environment. Contrary to some claims, large, pavement-encased mature trees are not easy to relocate, and their survivability is questionable--especially in view of the extreme branch and root pruning that must take place simply to make any relocation possible. Many Santa Monica residents and visitors want to preserve these magnificent stands of large, shade-giving trees in the heart of our town. We are asking City Council to put an immediate stop to the destruction of these trees. The decision to destroy is irreversible once the trees are gone--the matter MUST be reconsidered before these trees disappear. This petition is intended to send a message to our councilmembers! Tell them: Save Our Trees!