Save Palmilla
Necesitamos tu apoyo!
Esta peticion es para oponer la trasformacion que esta ocurriendo ahora mismo el la Playa Palmilla.Toda la arena que han movido (mira foto) no está dejando ningún espacio para la gente del pueblo. Todo estopara construir unas casotas elitistas para unos pocos.
Por Favor, agreguesu nombre a lista antes de que sea tarde, antes de que la Playa Palmilla sea arruinadapara siempre.
Muchas Gracias por su apoyo!!
No hace faltar donar dinero para que cuente su firma!
We Need your HELP ASAP!
We need as many signatures as possible.
This petition is opposing the transformation that is taking place right now at Playa Palmilla. They are making it so there isn´t anymore BEACH left for the people.
100’s of dump truck loadsof dirt are being dumped on the beach to make a few private lots. They are taking away the beach from the local people and tourists.
Please sign our petition before it is too late, before they ruin Palmilla Beach.
Just take a minute, to type your name and hit SUBMIT.
No need to donate money for your vote to count.
Thank you!!