Save the Manor House
As you may be aware Manor House,
This community centre provides a space for many groups of all ages; before and after schools clubs, playgroups, bowling, yoga, Asian elderly club, Allotment Society to name but a few.
The building has great facilities, including catering, art studio, pottery studio and kiln, safe outdoor play areas for the children and stands in lovely surroundings with some amazing old trees and wildlife. An area of nature in the middle of an ever expanding city.
It is missed by all who use it, especially the children who are currently re-housed in a cramped porta cabin, and have to walk outside to get access to the toilet. The Asian elderly club who met there everyday and shared lunch together, are missing the beautiful surroundings where they took daily walks amongst the trees and squirrels.
The Manor House has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that is increasingly hard to find in a busy city and the community are missing this centre.
This petition is to bring to the attention of the local council/councillors the need for this building to be re-opened.