Damn the man, save the Zebra!

The Zebra pub on Maids Causeway in Cambridge has, since being taken over by the current landlady, become not only a great success but one of the friendliest, most fun pubs in the City. Not only that, it's one of the last bastions of great music, featuring a truly excellent jukebox and live gigs and events. Now, "The Man", in this case the corporate bosses of Green King brewery, have put the pub on the market, probably to be sold off, torn down and replaced with flats. Even if it stays a pub, it'll no doubt follow the route being taken by most other pubs and become a trendy wine bar or restaurant. Please, if you don't want this to happen, if you care about the Zebra, or even if you just want to protest the cold, inhuman way this pub, and pubs in general, are being treated, sign the petition against the selling of the Zebra! Note: You don't need to "donate" to the ipetitions site after signing.