Join the fight to keep Ugly Phil on the air!
We, the undersigned, dispute Triple M's false claims that Ugly Phil is responsible for recent poor ratings. We understand that Jamie Angel, who is responsible for this idiotic decision was only appointed to the 'newly created' role of National Digital Radio Content Director in August 2008. He clearly lacks the experience and competency for this role. His original 'solution' to boost ratings was to replace Ugly Phil with Matthew Johns. Even just based on this, we question why Mr Angel is still employed. His second choice is Michael Slater. If he can't have a meat-head footballer he wants a boring cricketer. Ugly Phil has been hugely popular on every program he has worked on until this point so clearly he isn't the problem. Triple M was experiencing lowest ever ratings before hiring Ugly Phil and the station has been struggling for some time. We are outraged at the comments made by Triple M to the Daily Telegraph and the negative way Phil was portrayed. The article is potentially detrimental to his career, and jeopardizes his future job prospects which is obscenely unfair considering these accusations are completely FALSE. We demand that Triple M retract it's comments towards Ugly Phil and issue him a public apology. We, the listeners aren't listening, we have heard enough. Either let us "Wake Up With Ugly" or "We'll Triple M you OFF!"..."You'll be Screwed Then!"...."TRIPLE M YOU OFF!"..."YOU'LL BE SCREWED THEN!!"