We Demand Better: Say No to 3950 N.Damen Current Proposal
North Center Residents 0

We Demand Better: Say No to 3950 N.Damen Current Proposal

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North Center Residents 0 Comments
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We, the current residents of the North Center neighborhood, oppose the current plan for development of 3950 N. Damen Ave. The building is too large, adds a concerning amount density at an already dangerous and highly congested 6-corners intersection, and doesn't go far enough in meeting the needs of the existing residents. Our neighborhood currently lacks public green space/parks and quality retail/restaurants. The current plan mainly focuses on adding (expensive) rental housing and does not have any committed retail tenants. Specifically, our concerns are as follows:

  1. Alley Access/Safety: The same developer had previously proposed a plan that included a grocery store with more parking spaces and loading needs. That development plan was feasible without alley access. Now the new proposal requires alley access for loading, deliveries, trash, bank drive-thru and residents. Neighbors have noted on other development proposals in the area that the alleys off of one-way streets are dangerous and experience a lot of cut-thru traffic. This development will exacerbate those issues. The traffic study did not address these issues, car traffic in the alley, or take into account current residents' usage of the alley.
  2. Traffic: Although the traffic study followed best practices, the turning movement at the Damen entry will contribute to greater delays and queuing issues along Damen. Over the last 3 years, morning and afternoon traffic back up north and south on both Damen and Lincoln has been increasing. This development, along with multiple other developments approved nearby, will make this problem significantly worse.
  3. Height: With each subsequent development proposal in the area we have seen requests to increase the FAR and associate height of buildings. 7 or 8 stories is excessive and out of character for this community. It sets a bad precedent and is contrary to what other approved developments have had to abide by. As we have seen with other developments in the immediate vicinity, once a height is approved, each subsequent development will attempt to achieve similar density. The developer has repeatedly heard the height along Damen adjacent to single-family homes should be lowered and continues to push for 5-stories. The 4-story condo building directly to the south of the bank parking lot is only one story where it meets the alley. It does not loom over the existing residential homes adjacent to the property. The current design is incongruent with the surrounding context, imposes on the immediate neighbors, and is wrong for the Damen frontage.
  4. Character: The preservation of the existing stone bank building is important and a welcomed aspect of the proposal. The new building proposed at 3950 N. Damen is too long, tall, and massive and imposes on the existing residents adjacent. As noted in the public meeting, DPD Committee on Design comments have not been addressed.
  5. Planning: The development is at a very important location, but a plan for what is desired was never socialized and agreed upon by the residents. NCNA developed a plan and a consultant for the SSA developed a massing. Neither had significant public socialization.
  6. Public Space: The public space noted is not located to be useful for programming or to supplement the lacking green/park space in this area. The plaza space provided only serves the immediate retail tenant and is very similar to many other existing locations on Lincoln Ave and Irving Park that are at best modestly successful.
  7. Public meeting: We appreciate the public meeting, but the gravity of this development warrants a true in-person public meeting. An in-person public forum has been held in the past and should be scheduled for this development before a decision is made.

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