Hollywood once again is trying to ruin another beloved childhood legacy and in my opinion one of the greatest. If you don't know what TMNT is, it consist of a party dude, one thats cool but rude, one that does machines, and one that leads. The heros in a half shell, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Michael Bay is trying to make them not mutants from a mysterious ooze but just aliens from another world. WTF!!! I don't think i have to explain the gravity of this atrocity. I can sort of see (but do not agree with) why Hollywood changes some instances in these genres of film. I'm sure if you know what I'm talking about i don't have to list them. But to blatantly change the whole concept of such a great and memorable show is outrageous. Please help me in the endeavor to change the thought process on this film and get it back on track to what could be the greatest TMNT movie ever (Behind Secret of the Ooze of course). Kony is old news. TMNT 2012