Say NO to Siberians in cinnamon, chocolate etc.
About 14 years ago a few breeders in Germany had started to crossbreed Siberians with Somali and later also with Birman etc. to achieve "new" colours in Siberians like cinnamon or chocolate.
These colours have already spread to other countries e.g. Poland and are starting to spread all over the world. A list of catterys breeding with those colours can be found in the facebook group "Save the original Siberian".
Unfortunately they not only get pedigrees as Siberian cats by their own clubs but also TICA and other asscociations issue certificates for those cats although the TICA standard clearly states that crossbreeding is not permitted. At the moment TICA standard allows "all colours" in Siberians, Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat. So crossbreeds - even in the colours cinnamon, chocolate etc. will get a pedigree as a "pure" Siberian after only three generations. A serious flaw in the registation policy and in the standard. Becaus of that standard desperately needs to be mended as well as the registration policies.
So please support us in amending the TICA Siberian Standard AND fighting the current and further crossbreeding.
1. The Standard for Siberians has to be changed:
Recognized colours in SIB/NEM
Black/blue, red/cream/tortie, white - agouti and non-agouti
All colours above also in combination with silver or golden
Any amount of white is permitted.
The following tabby patterns are allowed: classic, mackerel, spotted
All colours above also as colourpoint
The pointed variety with Siamese points is called Neva Masquerade.
The colours chocolate and cinnamon, as well as their dilution (lilac and fawn) are not recognized in any combinations (bicolour, tricolour, tabby) for the Siberian and the Neva Masquerade. As are all the colours known in Abessinian/Somalis. The Burmese-factor is also not recognized.
All colours and patterns (e.g. rosetted) that can only be achieved by crossbreeding with other breeds are not recognized.
Any form of crossbreeding is forbidden.
2. TICA must stop issuing certificates/pedigrees as Siberians/NEM for cats in the colours mentioned above as not allowed or any mixed breeds with Siberians.
Please write a comment to say that you are member of TICA or a TICA-club and if possible with your cattery name. That will put much more weight behind your vote!!
Please share this petition with your fellow breeders who do not have facebook. They can also sign it just as easily.
Talk to them if you meet them on shows or write if you have their email.
In case you want to be kept informed about the petition please join the Facebook Groop "We say NO to cinnamon, chocolate etc. Siberian" here