Winn View Heights II is Bad for Burlington

Burlington residents, please stand together against the proposed 35 Mountain Road condo complex that sets a bad and dangerous precedent for Burlington, and negatively impacts the entire town.
A developer is pushing to build a 4-story, 24-unit, age-restricted condo development on the dangerously steep lot of 35 Mountain Road. This location is in a neighborhood of almost all single-family homes, within a very hilly area of solid and unyielding mountain ledge. The lot is directly adjacent to Overlook Park and Little Brook Conservation land, with forest and walking trails used by many community members.
Isolated high up on a hill, accessed by a single switchback s-curve road to be built into severe ledge, this location would be a NIGHTMARE for seniors. The blasting that will be necessary to level this land for condos, a parking lot, and a treacherous access road, as well as the long-lasting stormwater runoff impacts of the expansive tree removal, is a danger to the entire Mountain Road and Overlook/Winnmere neighborhoods. The detrimental impacts on the Conservation area will not just be felt by those living within walking distance, but by all in our town and beyond who utilize this pocket of forest for fitness and recreation as well as the wildlife inhabitants of the Conversation area. A development like this would also increase traffic congestion to the already busy intersections along Winn Street, further impairing access to I-95.
Moreover, this is being proposed as a "friendly 40B" development, which means much of the oversight with a typical permit process for developments like this will be circumvented.
If this development goes through, this sets a dangerous precedent that any Burlington neighborhood can be subject to a developer coming in to do the same on any existing single-family lot.
Throughout the history of this project, many neighbors, residents, Town Meeting Members, as well as the town's Planning Board and Conservation Commission have spoken out AGAINST this development for a long list of valid reasons at multiple public hearings. Despite all of this opposition, and one failed vote already, at least 3 out of the 5 members of the Select Board will likely vote to SUPPORT this development at their June 26th 6pm meeting.
Please join us to tell the Select Board to vote NO on a letter of support for Winn View Heights II.
(If you feel comfortable, please add your street name or precinct # to your signature or in a comment, as some Select Board members inaccurately believe that they have only heard opposition from nearby neighbors. This is a TOWN WIDE issue that could even affect neighboring towns and commuters.)