Say No To Tesco On Lewes Road in Brighton
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to reconsider the plans to allow Tesco to develop the site at 58-62 LEWES ROAD, BRIGHTON, BN2 3HW, and ask for the area to be resurveyed taking into consideration the problems residents already face with high levels of pollution, and also what impact future developments could have on a diverse array of local businesses. We also feel that not only is the Lewes Rd area over saturated with supermarkets and local convenience stores, but also that the majority of local residents were not made sufficiently aware of the plans and were therefore excluded from the consultation process, nor have time to register our complaints... More info: It has recently come to light that the community garden site on Lewes Rd will be turned into a Tesco Express, Betting shop, and yet more flats with no access to parking. It has been highlighted by the clean Air for Lewes Road campaign that our area already suffers with high levels of traffic. We also boast on Lewes road a diverse selection of retailers that service our area well. Which leaves the questions do we really need or want yet another Supermarket in our area The local council have already granted permission for this to go ahead. But it is not to late for our voices to be heard. Say No to Tesco on Lewes Road!