Petition for the Provision of School Libraries
I believe that school libraries are vital to quality teaching and learning. These are five reasons why libraries matter: - Reading literacy: Children must learn to love reading - South African Curriculum: Requires resources for projects and portfolios - Information literacy: Learning to source information in the global knowledge economy - Place to Study: Young people need safe, well social spaces - Access to information: Finding out about opportunities, careers and risks like HIV/AIDS I therefore support EQUAL EDUCATION�S demands: - A library in every school - Human resources: A trained librarian or library administrator, working full time. - Books and Equipment: Expand QIDS-UP library project nationally to provide shelving, computers and 3 books per learner. - Operational Funding: Legislate for 10% of Learning Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) funds to be dedicated for libraries - Teachers, parents, learners and SGB members should participate in workshops about the role of the library and its place in the school program. All schools must be provided with fully functional libraries where learners and teachers can source information and find books to read for pleasure. This is a matter of justice and equality. One School, One Library, One Librarian