Scottish Vote Scandal 3 May, 2007

We call for a full and INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL INQUIRY into the Scottish Parliament elections of 3 May 2007. We do not believe the \"Electoral Commission\" - the governmental body which oversaw the the shambolic elections - is an at all appropriate body to carry out such an inquiry. As a government funded and appointed body, it is not nearly \"independent\" enough. Indeed, we believe its over-willingness to accomodate the essentially partisan requests of the main political parties was a major part of the problem. We futhermore have no faith in the Scottish or UK establishments to undertake anything but an excuse based \"it wisnae me\" Inquiry, reaching similar non-conclusion to the Fraser Inquiry ( Holyrood Building) or the Hutton Inquiry ( David Kelly/Weapons of Mass Destruction). We believe the United Nations has a vital facilitation role to play here. We further call for the immediate resignations of Scotland Office Ministers Douglas Alexander MP and David Cairns MP, the UK government ministers directly responsible for the shambles which shames democracy, shames Scotland and has excluded up to 150,000 willing voters from the democratic process. They are clearly negligent and no inquiry is required to established this. Never again - in our country, or any other.