SEC vs Veritaseum LLC and it's platform users.

Dear SEC
Your attack on Veritaseum is a very aggressive and some what extraordinary measure.
We, the current and future users of this platform, have had absolutely no doubt as to the legitimacy of Veritaseum LLC or the VERI utility token it requires us to hold, to use the peer to peer software. The token enables us to gain efficiencies in spending it. We don't gain any equity in the Company behind the software from the VERI token. VERI is not a security.
Your accusations of securities fraud, just don't make sense. We know what the VERI token is and at no time did we believe it was an entitlement to equity in Veritaseum LLC, nor did we believe it was backed by anything. Users of the Veritaseum software use the token to gain added efficiency and to access existing and upcoming modules. Veritaseum is a peer to peer software platform. It brings huge advantages to the average person looking to get into investing in general. Veritaseum's utility token is an enabler of this... Not the actual investment that we are making.
By you, the SEC removing the utility and shutting down the entire Veritaseum platform and all of the user's personally held Ve Assets; you are actually destroying the consumer and the retail user of this technology. This appears to all users who discuss the situation, as an attempt to sabotage a ground breaking idea, that looked set to completely disrupt Wall street. You have affected us in ways far greater than just the loss of access to the platform. We held Ve Assets in redeemable, peer to peer trade-able and metal backed token form. We have had all usability and access to these assets frozen... along with the Veritaseum LLC assets.
You are supposed to protect the consumer or retail investor for whom you work and are paid by. In this case you are doing the exact opposite.
Now our hands are tied because of your incompetence and inability to re educate yourselves, to build new legislation that can handle this paradigm shift of blockchain technology and the efficiencies it brings. Very disruptive to Wall Street and global finance.
Almost seems like you singled out Veritaseum to delay and ruin it's launch out of BETA. A launch that was due to happen close to the time of your emergency Court hearing.
Why the sudden need for an emergency hearing? On the same day that Patrick Byrne's TZERO, blockchain securities platform, launched... which has similarities to Veritaseum? Seems suspicious.
Doesn't look good for the SEC. Also we see you stepped in and apparantly scarpered a deal that Veritaseum LLC was in the midst of negotiating with the Jamaican Stock Exchange. That was destroyed by you the SEC. What are you scared of and who are you helping? Certainly not us the retail investor as you call us, nor the users of the highly disruptive Veritaseum platform.
We need our Ve assets to be freed from your total asset freeze. You are hindering us to the extent that some have a large chunk of their working capital tied up in the Ve Assets and are unable to access it. Do your job... Help the people you say you are protecting. Or who are you really protecting?
We need the platform unfrozen and the utility returned to the VERI token. You are strangling the people that pay you to protect them.
Veritaseum is incredibly disruptive to the industry you are supposed to control. Could this be the reason for the sudden emergency hearing? Who is truly in control... not you. Someone above perhaps who stand to lose the most from being disrupted by blockchain based, software platforms... like Veritaseum?
Explain yourselves! The frauds are you... the SEC as far as I'm concerned. Unless you show us to the contrary... that is the general consensus.
Please provide answers. That is your job. Communicate with the people you say are affected by the fraud.
There is no fraud as far as anyone is concerned and we want answers.