Help Prevent Section 8 Fraud
Are you a tax payer Your tax dollard go towards programs like HUD which is a program people obtain Section 8 through. There are people in this country who are fraudulantly obtaining this housing assistant who do not deserve it ie:the low income man or woman who has her partner living there and isn\'t reporting it. There are too many people in this world who work hard and still can\'t make ends meet and have to be on a 3-4 year waiting list for Section 8 because of people who are abusing this program. When you report a fraud because of the wording in the HUD or rental contract HUD or the landlord must give these theives \"advanced reasonable notice\" before going to their apartment. What good is that Why warn these people. Privacy What privacy They are living off tax payers dollars they shouldn\'t get this privilage if there is a question of fraud. Sign this petition to get HUD and landlords to rewrite their contract without that statement.