Secure Our Schools
The highest quality metal detector cost $3,700.00 ea.
What is your child's life worth?
Since 1881 the US has had 480 school shootings ( Not all with casualties ) .
And yet after each shooting one thing remains the same, ZERO SECURITY !
Guess what else was invented in 1881?
NY currently sends 91,114 high school kids through metal detectors each day Last year alone they stopped 712 weapons from getting on campus. Guess what those schools with metal detectors don't have in common with the 480 schools that have been shot up?
You guessed it METAL DETECTORS ! Ask yourself just one question, how many kids would be alive today if our schools had the same protection as a courthouse?
This massive injustice on our kids ends now. If New York's kids are good enough for metal detectors, then so are mine!.
Tomorrow me and several of my friends who also have kids in school are filing complaints for failure to protect and are demanding that they add the same protection these schools in NY have or face law suits . We want no less than one controlled entrance and no more open campuses and metal detectors that everyone including teachers are required to go through.
I am asking anyone of my friends who has kids in school to get behind this with me and join the movement.
Ask yourself just one question, how many kids would be alive today if our schools had the same protection as a courthouse?