Support Southampton Outdoor Lighting Code
We the undersigned want the Southampton Town Board to enact an outdoor lighting code that addesses all excessive, misdirected, and unnecessary night lighting in order to reduce light pollution in the Town of Southampton. We want the Town Board to vote in favor of a lighting code that provides for a five year amortization of non-conforming lighting to reduce glare, light trespass, and unnecessary energy consumption. We also want the Town to set up a Dark Sky Advisory Committee to help educate the Town about the benefits of the legislation. Your voice will be even more effective if you call or email members of the Town Board and the Supervisor with your opinion: Hon. Linda A. Kabot, Supervisor, 283-6055, Hon. Nancy S. Graboski, 287-5745, Hon. Christopher R. Nuzzi, 287-5745, Hon. Sally G. Pope, 287-5745, Hon. Anna Throne-Holst, 287-5745, cc: (Town Clerk)