Shame on ESPN for Global Warming Junk Science

On Saturday, December 12, 2009 ESPN broadcast the "Green Game" a college basketball game featuring two of the best men's college basketball teams: Kansas and University of Michigan.
The broadcast and activities around the game were entirely geared toward the hoax of climate change, featuring propaganda footage and biased commentary from the sports announcers declaring the need for Americans to reduce carbon emissions or risk devastation to the environment.
The broadcast took place the week that the Copenhagen Climate Summit is taking place - yet another propaganda-driven effort to impose socialistic government regulations and government-control on the economy (and on the actions of individuals) and using the hysteria of climate devastation as the means to advance their propaganda.
We call on ESPN to issue an apology for neglecting their responsibilities as a sports broadcaster and instead entering the territory of advancing propaganda on supposed climate change and to never again broadcast a "Green Game" or any other similar propaganda.