Shower These Mothers Ellen
For years, I have been envious of the beautiful pregnant women who are showered upon during the annual Mother’s Day show. Why? Well, for one, they are going to see Ellen!!! I mean she IS pretty amazing and of course we know just how generous she is. Just look at the gifts she hands out to those lovely, unknowing, soon to be mothers.
Who's more deserving than them? They will soon give birth to little bundles of love and joy; the sweetest little angels who sleep (granted in short spurts in the beginning), eat, poop and yes, as they get a little older about 3 months in, they show their love with the most beautiful, gummy smiles. Well.....ALL MOTHERS!!! All mothers who are in the thick of it. Mothers of toddlers having their fourth tantrum of the day in the middle of a store because they want an identical toy that they have at home. Mothers who drive like crazy people to get their child to sports practice, only to pick up their other child from the tutor 8 miles away at the same time. Mothers that go to sleep late folding the laundry and making sure backpacks are ready to go, only to wake up early and make lunches, and hustle their kids out the door to be at school before the bell rings.
Mothers of dreaded tweens and teens, with their hormonal highs and lows, who give us those fabulous eye rolls on the daily. And let's not forget all of the single mothers, who do all of these things ALONE! All of these not-so-new mothers are needing and deserving of even just a day away.
Ellen, no one denies that being pregnant and cute is fun and exciting, but let's be honest....that's the easy part!!! What about us mothers that endure the everyday stresses, struggles and solitude of motherhood? Why not shower these deserving mother's?
- Maria Hunt & Tina Kadner