Sign for Safety!
Sign For Safety!
Banwell NEEDS a flashing school sign to improve safety for children and families getting to and from school!
Banwell Primary School is situated in arguably the busiest location in North Somerset, on a main A road, with very heavy congestion and frustrated drivers.
The zebra crossing outside of the school is frequently blocked by queuing traffic in one direction, completely obscuring children and families trying to cross to flowing traffic in the other direction (often too fast).
It makes for a very dangerous situation with near misses on an almost daily basis. A child hit at 30mph only stands a 50% chance of survival.
Can you see the parents' head mid crossing in the photo? A child stands no chance of being seen to oncoming traffic.
Banwell Parish Council understand the dangers and fully support the scheme with funds to pay for the sign, yet North Somerset Council continue to block any measures to improve safety for school children, with planning citing the conservation area (the particular location at present is blighted by traffic, heavily polluted and therefore not very picturesque).
Parents are fed up with being fobbed off!
Banwell NEEDS a flashing school sign to make drivers aware of the school and school times, and to improve safety of children and families getting to and from school. Any flashing lights will only be operational during the peak morning and afternoon school times, therefore non-intrusive and can even be removed once the traffic situation is improved with the by-pass. The only precedence it will set is for safer roads near schools!
We, the undersigned urge North Somerset Council to put childrens’ safety first and allow a flashing school sign!