Peticija za otvaranje skloništa za napuštene životinje u Pazinu  //  Petition for building a shelter for abandoned animals in Pazin, Istria
Udruga HappyEnd 0

Peticija za otvaranje skloništa za napuštene životinje u Pazinu // Petition for building a shelter for abandoned animals in Pazin, Istria

553 signers. Add your name now!
Udruga HappyEnd 0 Comments
553 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Potaknuti lošim stanjem u Istri glede zbrinjavanja napuštenih pasa, Udruga HappyEnd poziva na potpisivanje peticije za izgradnju skloništa i zbrinjavanje napuštenih životinja od strane lokalnih zajednica središnje Istre, koje na to obavezuje Zakon o zaštiti životinja od 2007. godine. Osim izgradnje skloništa za napuštene životinje potrebno je organizirati informativni centar, programe kastracije/sterilizacije slobodnoživućih mačaka, udomljavanja životinja te edukacije građana.

Za problem napuštenih pasa općine Pazin ( a i mnogih drugih općina i lokalnih samouprava u Istri) trenutno je nadležna Veterinarska stanica Pula, koja nema niti dovoljnog kapaciteta niti udovoljava sve uvjete prema Pravilniku o skloništima da radi svoj posao zadovoljavajuće.

Zajedno pozivamo nadležne vlasti da hitno poduzmu potrebne mjere za ostvarivanje projekta izgradnje skloništa za napuštene životinje u Pazinu, za potrebe centralne Istre, i prema modelu Zagrebačkog azila "Dumovec" gdje primljene životinje čekaju na buduće udomitelje u prikladnim uvjetima u jednom suvremenom skloništu koje nudi i humano riješavanje problema, a i povećava ugled i ponos svoje zajednice.

Udruga HappyEnd

Obavezno je ispuniti Vaše puno ime, adresu i e-mail, ali na online peticiji biti će vidljivi samo Vaše ime i grad, i eventualni komentari!


Because of the urgent situation in Istria with abandoned dogs, the Association HappyEnd calls for signing this petition for the construction of a shelter for abandoned animals. Local communities are obligated by the croatian Animal Protection Law already in 2007 to do so but many fail in solving the problem. In addition to building shelters for abandoned animals, it is necessary to organize an information center, programs for neutering and spaying feral cats, animal adoption and education of citizens.

Currently responsible for taking care of abandoned dogs and cats in Pazin and other muncipalities in Istria is veterinary station Pula, which has no sufficient capacity or meet all the conditions from the Regulations of the shelters – law, to do it's job satisfactorily and animal friendly.

We want the authorities to urgently begin the project of building a shelter for abandoned animals in Pazin, for the needs of central Istria, and following the model of shelter "Dumovec"- Zagreb's own and Croatia's first shelter in which the animals wait for their future adopters in suitable conditions in a modern shelter that offers a humane solution to the problem, and increases the prestige and pride of their community.

Istria being a very well known touristic region, we believe that your voice as visitor should also count – that's why we ask you to also sign this petition and to show the authorities that you would like to see Istria as a modern and progressive region – working for a better tomorrow and towards a humane society caring for animal wellfare too.

Association HappyEnd


Be sure to sign with your full name, address and e-mail, but the online petition will show only your name and city, and (optional) comments!


Udruga HappyEnd OIB: 12797921732 Muntriljska 10, 52000 Pazin


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