Slocan Valley Rails to Trails STOP restricting Horse Use
Dear Regional District of Central Kootenay Municipalities of Nelson, Castlegar and all other towns along the Slocan Valley Rails to Trails
I have signed this petition to make you aware that I, in consideration of the development of the Rail Trail and its usage within the local community have the opinion that it should be open to the horse riding community without prejudice. Horse back riders along the trail should not be banned 6 months out of the year nor should we be subject to strict conditions of use by current Slocan Valley Rails to Trails Association. The horse community in the Slocan Valley as well as horse back riding visitors to the rail to trails would like to be treated equally . I am either a horse owner/rider, have family that ride, friends that ride, and/or a layperson who understands that horses and horse riding contributes to the recreation, health and well being of our youth and the community at large.
thank you for bringing your attention to our Voice in this matter